My coffee shop sign (original video)

I have a coffee shop sign in my apartment. It's a sign that says "Coffee shop" on it. I love to look at it. I love all types of coffee merchandise.

Anything to do with coffee is right up my alley. I drink coffee every day, so it only makes sense that I would have a sign that says "Coffee shop" on it.


My apartment is kind of like a coffee shop since I drink so much of the stuff. Haha. I can't imagine a day without coffee.

I do get burned out on it sometimes, but in general, I drink coffee every day. It helps me get a lot done and just helps me feel better.

Stock photo of a man drinking coffee
He's enjoying a cup of joe

The coffee puts me in a really good mood.

But anyway, I made this YouTube video showing off my coffee shop sign. I love making videos like this. They're just fun to make.

Kind of like a little short vlog. 

Vlogs are so fun to make. I like it when you don't have to take a video too seriously.

I kind of have a collection of coffee merchandise too. It's not very big, but I have a few signs/wall hangings that are hanging on the walls of my apartment. 

I love them, they were a gift from someone. I love everything about coffee. I drink it every day and it makes my life a lot better!


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