When I wake up in the early morning hours

I usually wake up these days very early in the morning. I'm talking like 3-5 am, somewhere in there. I'm not sure why I do that now. Must be my new natural rhythm or something.

I really like it to be honest. I get up and do my morning routine, while it's still dark outside. Just some chores I do, like changing my kitty's litter every morning, taking out trash, making coffee, etc. I really love a nice cup of coffee when I wake up.

I love having coffee early in the a.m. 

There's something really cool about being awake while it's still dark outside.

It's so peaceful and quiet this early in the morning. It's 6:20 am right now. I've been up for about an hour or so.

Many mornings I wake up even earlier than that. I go to bed around 7-8 pm though, which probably explains why I wake up so early.

Getting up early makes me feel like I can accomplish so much more in the day. 

And it's just a very peaceful, spiritual time this early. 

It lets me reflect on everything and on my life. I really love it. I used to wake up around 11 am or so. Because I used to go to bed really late.

I'm not going to lie, I still stay up very late on the weekends. I start staying up late on Thursday night and I do that until Saturday night. 

Then Sunday nights I go to bed early again.

 It's Tuesday right now. I can't wait for the weekend. I love the weekends so much. 

They're amazing. I think everybody loves the weekend, to be honest. Who doesn't? Right now is an interesting time for me. 

I'm completely single, I don't even have anyone I'm seeing. So I'm getting a lot of time to myself to reflect on everything.


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