Welcome to my new blog!

 Hey guys, my name is Whitney Black. I'm a blogger, YouTuber, and social media influencer. I've been doing this "online stuff" for over 10 years (since 2009).

I've had several blogs in the past and also currently run social media channels and a few YouTube channels, among other things.

I decided to start a new blog because it was time for a fresh start

I will be posting on this blog about my favorite topics, as well as random musings from my mind. You'll probably hear me talk about coffee a lot since it's one of my favorite drinks.

I called the blog "My mind displayed" because that's what it is...I'm displaying my inner thoughts for the world to see.

I love sharing my views and opinions with the world. I also love just posting about my favorite stuff. I will be updating this blog as often as is comfortable for me. 

I'm already pretty busy but I can usually find time to blog! 

I hope to have a lot of fun with this blog 

It's going to be a fun ride.

There's nothing like the feeling of starting a fresh new blog. So sit back and enjoy the ride, and thank you all for coming on this journey with me.

A new blog is a new adventure for sure..so many exciting things can happen. I've started many blogs in the past, some of them I never followed through with properly and I felt bad about it.

I plan to put a lot of effort into this blog. It's going to be fun for sure. Blogging has been my passion for a long time now, and I don't see that changing.

I love writing for sure

Writing/blogging is so therapeutic for me. It helps me release a lot of built-up stress that I have inside.

It also helps me connect with you, my reader. I love sharing my thoughts and opinions and just sharing my hobbies and passions as well.

Blogging is a great way to connect with the world and even change it for the better. I think everyone should blog.

I think it's good for your mind and for your health. I've been blogging since 2009 and I hopefully won't stop!

Click here to go to the home page of the blog: http://myminddisplayed.blogspot.com


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